Bohdi Sanders Quotes

If your mind is right, your actions will be right.
Bohdi Sanders

Your words and actions can never be taken back. They can be apologized for and lamented, but once words have been spoken or an action has been taken, what is said and done can’t be undone. You have no power to change the past; you only have the power to change what you think, say, and do in the present moment. If you never speak or act thoughtlessly, you can eliminate a lot of pain and regret from your life.

When some guy is rude to you in the parking lot, it is very easy to forget your goal of inner peace and to react with the same emotion he unleashed on you. Instead of reacting to someone who is trying to push your buttons, pause and consider your objective of living a life of inner peace. Then respond instead of reacting. This is another thought I will often repeat, as it is absolutely vital to your inner peace.

Every action is important, and everyone is responsible for his or her own actions and the consequences that accompany those actions. If your mind is right, your actions will be right; if your mind is still entertaining negative, low-energy thoughts, your actions will be inconsistent at best.

Bohdi Sanders
excerpt from the NEW BOOK
The Art of Inner Peace