How others see you is not as important as how you see yourself. Bohdi Sanders
How others see you is not as

important as how you see yourself!

Most of the time, other people do not see the real you. They do not know your true thoughts and they cannot see your true spirit. And because of that, their opinions are based on incomplete information, other people’s opinions, and their own biases. Their opinions concerning you and your life are skewed.

Most people wear different masks for different people. They wear one mask at work, one mask around their friends, one mask around family, one mask around their lover, and this goes on and on. Very few people have the courage to be their truth self in every situation. Therefore, it is impossible for other people to really know who they are when all of those masks are stripped away.

Keep this in mind when others give you their opinions on what you should do or how you should live your life. How others see you is not as important as how you see yourself, because how you see yourself guides the direction of your life. Take the time to find out who you truly are and what your true purpose in life is. Don’t allow the opinions of others to sway you or distract you from your true purpose in life. Deep inside, you know who you are and how you want to live your life. Follow that path to the end!

Bohdi Sanders
from the new book, The Art of Inner Peace